Friday, November 30, 2007

Group 2: Virus

Read all about it on our wiki

Wisdom comes

We have begun to understand how to go on with the project and have decided to go with visualizing/musicalizing loss of information. Johannes and Andreas, who's got programming and musical skills, will try it out, see how it goes and how the idea can be twisted and be imbroved.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Friday 30 schedule: Federico Favero's Lecture@11 - mid course presentations @13

So far it seems that 80% of the groups reach the stage of "the project". The fun part is about to take off.
Tomorrow we will have the mid course presentations. Guest critics will be: Peter Ullstand (Kth course examiner), Federico Favero (Kth, Master light design program), Jörg Frank Seeman (Kth, Light Design Master Student).

At 11.00 Federico Favero will give us a presentation on the Light Design Master Program at Kth. He will present the light research that is taking place at Kth in the master program. The students that are dealing with light issues are very welcome to ask advices technical or theoretical (Which is the reason why I have invited Federico).

Group Presentations will have the following order:

1. Group n. 6
2. Group n. 10
3. Group n. 11
4. Group n. 3
5. Group n. 1
6. Group n. 9


7. Group n. 7
8. Group n. 12
9. Group n. 4
10. Group n. 2
11. Group n. 8
12. Group n. 5

On the Reel..

Today we are going to try the loop and the deterioration of the recorded sound. We are going to use two tape recorders. We also have to plan tomorrows presentation.

The laser transmission

By using a sound cable its possible to use a laser microphone to transmitt the information.

Some fun we checked out.. Salt on a vibrating plate Drawning soundwaves with a “stylus”


The pictures simulates the output signal when a plain groove is played.

With a new stylus

With a worn stylus

The Big Loop

The tape reels are laid on the turntables just for fun. The linn sondek lp 12 on the picture is there to give the “start up” sound. The tape loop is supposed to be meters ca 5, 10, 20 depending on time

One more..

Here is our second presentation that were rejected.. it's a pretty nice comic :P

And this is the presentation we showed. And text.


Here is our first presentation and text.

It's about the stylus and how we linked it to ageing..

Some pictures from Tuesdays work!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Summery of the project this far!

Project Process
We started last week to look at different aspects of ageing in fashion. It was interesting but the topic "fashion" was to wide.
We narrowed it down to jeans and started to look and compare different ageing processes that could be similar to both jeans and humans. For instance jeans can be given an old look (age unnaturally) if you treat them in different ways so that they will be worn out, you speed up the ageing process. In the same way the human body will age unnaturally if you treat it with different kinds of chemicals and other things that, in a way or another, will break down and age the body.

We found these different ways to speed up the ageing process very interesting, and started to look closer on how you could put more value into something by making it feel and look older. We have now focused on jeans and T-shirts, but we are also trying to find other materials that we will be able to put some more value in by ageing it.

We have been trying different methods to make jeans look worn, and our big conclusion so far is that it's hard to give the material the correct amount of aged feeling. We are now in a big training-camp where we practice to find this perfect amount of ageing.

Meanwhile we practice on test objects, we have bought a pair of jeans that will be our main object. We have started to wear the jeans and at the same time we are spraying water at the "whiskers" to make them stiffer and more easier to, for example, sandpaper down to give them a worn look.

We are planing to continue to work with our main object, in a controlled way where we always do big researches on the different ageing methods before we apply them on our main object, so that we are able to find the correct amount we'll have to use to give it the perfect look. This isn't as easy as it seams, but we are working on it.


Group 9 - The Clockers

Hello everyone!

Today I ate a big breakfast, not a small one, not medium, a real big breakfast. On a side, our project is going well, not awesome, not bad, just "well".
Our work is about the clock and that is a rhythm. We live after certain rhythms and when you get a disturbance in this rhythm you can develope insomnia. One thought was to illustrate this by some pulsing lights, maybe stars. That would be a robbery of one of last years project so we said "#¤%& that".

Then we tried to think about something that symbolizes sleep and came up with sheep jumping over a fence. We thought that we could make some kind of continuos illustration of that and interrupt it once in a while with some random surprise. Here the sheep symbolize the sleep and the interruption is the insomnia.. We thought that this was a great idea to show what insomnia is, but after talking to antonio we realized that that was the only thing that it was good for. It only shows what insomnia is. Its like an explanation of insomnia, it doesnt tell us that it is a problem naturally caused by ageing. So we decided to go back to the pulsing lights and came up with an idea with buildings and blinking windows, where each window is supposed to symbolize a human life and the blinkings are the human sleeping periods, their own rhythm.


We have some idéas on how to approach the problem. Water has come to be one of our favourite subjects. You can use water as a lense, to create refraction, but also to create effects with color. You can put lenses and other things that bend light into the water and get interesting results.

A way to emphasize contrast could be to project light through bars (or any shape) on a picture, so that only some areas become brighter. This would give the image an artificial contrast. It would show the difference between enlightened and darker areas, and thus create contrast.

You could also transpose the ageing of light to sound, which wouldn't give exactly the same result as the ageing of sound itself.

After talking to Antonio today we decided to look att ageing through a camera. We've tried to recreate age diseases as catarct by putting different pieces of plastic in front of the camera. You can actually get decent results when it comes to halo effects and generally blurred vision. The problem is, while working with plastics, there is no way to reverse the aging effects without using photoshop. And even if we used photoshop, we wouldn't be able to recreate the original image, although we could probably enhance it somewhat. We might be a bit stuck again, since the experiment gave no clear results. We would have liked to use lenses instead, to be able to reverse the damage made from other lenses. This would have given us the opportunity to take pictures both with the damaging lense, both of the lenses (damaging and correcting, which would have given an ok image), and only the correcting lense. Both of the lenses alone would give a "wrong" picture. Although the correcting lense alone would make it right, in a way. Confused? Yeah, we're not really clear about that concept eithter.

Something else we've learned is that when stuck, it's best to take a couple of steps back, and start working again. If you don't do this, you only increases the frustration.

Grupp 12: Populations

Spring time concept.

The ideas

We would like to present our ideas that we have come up with so far:

1. We thought about using a laser which we would send through and to different objects for reflection and effects from "filters". This would "destroy" the laser and in the end it would be less bright and not as sharp as in the beginning. This would resemble the ageing of the eye. The objects that we would use for this would be different things that we use through our lives, a part of our ageing.

2. The aged eye. We thought we would build a dark room and project a picture on one wall. The picture is "destroyed" with different filters to make the illusion that the picture is seen through an old eye. This would show how destroyed the picture is when it reaches the cornea.

3. The intellectual white balance. We would change the expression of known pictures, like well known logos from big companies; Mc Donalds or Coca Cola for example. We would change the expression by changeing the light and destroy the picture with different filters. The question here is, can we achieve an ageing effect by changeing only the lights?

4. A light room, insread of a dark room. This idea is about making the room so bright light that you can't see the contrasts or the colors in the pictures we would have in there. This would also change the whole expression of the picture. We want to show how easily you can get dazzled by bright light when you grow old.

We are thinking about these ideas but we are still open for new ones.

The Process

We started out with a presentation about money and tried to relate money to ageing. But we thought this was quite hard and we didn't get anywhere with it so we changed our object instead. Our last presentation, as some of you know, was about the eye. More precise, about the lens of the eye, and the rubber band as a metaphor for it. We are now focusing on the ageing of the eye and what kind of problems elderly people have with their sight. Some of the problems we have talked about is:

Katarakt (grå starr) which means that your lens is getting "blurry". It can bring that you can't see contrasts as before. Your eyes get more sensitive to bright light. You can't see as clearly in the dark as before. You have a problem seeing colors as they are supposed to look and you can get a problem with seeing "double". To decide the distance between different things can alsto be a problem.

Glaukom (grön starr) which is a damage to the nerve in the eye. It is caused by a change of the preassure in the eye. It can make your eyesight more blurry and you can get difficulties in your field of vision.

Makula (the yellow spot, gula fläcken) is also affected by our age and that we grow old. The yellow spot is the spot where the cells are closest togehter and that's where we see with the best sharpness.

With this information and basic information about how the eye works, we decided to focus on color and brightness. Both color and brightness are affected by ageing and we thought that we maybe could do something fun and interesting with that.

Grupp 10

The Process
We started out with the computer but soon realized that we actually talked about the internet. This topic was far too wide and complex. We needed to narrow it down to a less complex object. We went from the internet to the safety net, like the ones you use during dangerous circus acts. We thought that every string in the net could symbolize ones memories and experiences, and that the net gets bigger and more dense as you get older and gain more experience. After a talk with Antonio, he told us that it was to abstract and that it was only a metaphor and not an analogy. He suggested that we could discuss the hard drive and how it works like the memory. Since we're not so keen on working with computers we decided to focus on the photo album instead. We thought of the photo album as a representation of memories and how that is connected to how you store memories in your brain. We dug a little bit further in how the human memory works and how it's connected in the brain.

After exploring different routes we now feel like we have stumbled upon the right one, the episodic memory (picture). This is where the brain stores memories of events and episodes. This is also where the memory looses its capacity as you grow older. From this we will create our installation.

Our own blogpage

See our blog at

Federico Favero's lecture on Light Design Course is postponed.

Due to personal reason, Federico can not come to deliver us the lecture as scheduled. It will be postponed on Friday 30th, at 11.00.
Mid course presentations will start at 13.00. Federico (light designer, KTH) will be part of the guest critics together Peter Ullstand (communicative spaces course examiner) and Jörg Frank Seemann (light designer, Master program attendant, KTH).

Each student presentation will concern the design process that each group is following: the starting point of the project, research and actual state and the future development that will eventually lead each group to the final project.

Group 3: Hearing and the synapse destruction

At first we reviewed the presentation we had the other day. We concluded that we were not concrete about our analogy with the Moog and the view on the ageing employees.

So today, we discussed about how to be concrete and how to do a specific presentation that looks at the subject on the biological ageing of human.

The first topic that was brought up was about the five senses and our competences to realize the presentation. The touch and taste is the hardest senses to do any concrete presentation about. The first suggestion was to do a program that created a filter that simulates a human hearing that deteriorate because of age. The program would play a soundclip and the user could change the parameters in the GUI so they could hear how the hearing changes because of the age. We actually went to TMH to talk about how the hearing changed when aging.

We tried to come up with alternative ideas. The next topic was to do a graphic visualisation of synapses losing contact to the nerve cells when the human gets old. We tried to do a research so the facts would be correct. After researching we found out that the course of events was not as dramatic as we hoped.

We finally asked Antonio Scarponi about how realistic our presentations should be. He answered that we are storytellers that can make up diagrams and stories. So we agreed that we could present both the synapses visualisation-project and the sound-simulation.

Turbulence Art

A turbulent flow is random in the sense that you cannot predict what velocity a given flow will have in a specific time and place.
You could resemble the velocity of the flow at a given time and place - an unpredictable amount of kinetic energy - to the energy-level in a human being at different times at his or her life. For example, you could be happy and very active at some time, depressed and inactive at other times and so on. Statistically though, you can see that as we age, the energy-level also slowly declines.
In turbulence, big whirlpools are created at first, which then become smaller and smaller whirlpools, and eventually dissolve, where the kinetic energy becomes thermal energy, resembling death.
In other words, the ageing process in regard to energy-level, can be viewed upon as a turbulent flow; you can’t predict the energy-level at a given time, but statistically you can say that the energy-level declines as we age.

Another way of expressing turbulence is that it happens at big Reynolds numbers. The Reynolds number (a number used in fluid dynamics), simplified can be seen as measurement of the viscosity of a fluid, which describes it’s resistance to flow - a bigger Reynolds number means a higher flowing resistance in the liquid. A big Reynolds number also means that the flow is more sensitive to disturbances.
Now we can resemble the Reynolds number to the age of a person, which is also a number. As a person grows older, they won’t be as vigorous as they were when they were young; they’ll move slower, talk slower and so on. Also the turbulence in the ageing process will have increased, since they, for example, grow a bigger chance of getting certain diseases as they become older, which in turn affect the energy level. They also become more sensitive to disturbances (as with big Reynolds numbers), since for example a flu will have a much greater effect on an old person than on a young and healthy person.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Group n. 5 - Traces of time

The life of a Banana

Grupp 8 - Alzheimers

Physical aspect of ageing of the newspaper!

Grupp 8 - Alzheimers

Our process until today:

Last week we chose a newspaper as an object to symbolize ageing. We presented a couple of different aspects of the ageing, like the physical aspect and the content of the paper. For the second presentation we focused on the eye, and how the ageing of the eye of an elderly person affects the reading.


We have decided to leave the idéa about the eye that we presented last friday. Instead, we are going to focus on alzheimers disease. We found an article that lists the 10 most common symptoms of alzheimers. On the basis of these, we´ll try to create photos, that represent the symptoms. Some of the symptoms: memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, disorientation, poor judgment and misplacing things.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Group 6: Destruction (post 1)

So far so good!
After two presentations last week, we have now start "for real" with our project.
Starting with a big brainstorming on various things we could use as material and various ways of destruction on the different materials.
Destruction in a way to make the material more valuable!

We have collected different "tools" that will come in handy when we are going to let out our "rage" towards our different kinds of materials, for example jeans and T-shirts.
We are especially excited to melt stuff.

Tomorrow the big destruction will begin!

/Group 6

Group 2 (post 1)

We do all our work directly online at THIS PLACE
Feel free to look around there regularly since work will be ongoing.

Group 11

We started out with Walkman but has now changed to a Funnel.