Today I ate a big breakfast, not a small one, not medium, a real big breakfast. On a side, our project is going well, not awesome, not bad, just "well".
Our work is about the clock and that is a rhythm. We live after certain rhythms and when you get a disturbance in this rhythm you can develope insomnia. One thought was to illustrate this by some pulsing lights, maybe stars. That would be a robbery of one of last years project so we said "#¤%& that".

Then we tried to think about something that symbolizes sleep and came up with sheep jumping over a fence. We thought that we could make some kind of continuos illustration of that and interrupt it once in a while with some random surprise. Here the sheep symbolize the sleep and the interruption is the insomnia.. We thought that this was a great idea to show what insomnia is, but after talking to antonio we realized that that was the only thing that it was good for. It only shows what insomnia is. Its like an explanation of insomnia, it doesnt tell us that it is a problem naturally caused by ageing. So we decided to go back to the pulsing lights and came up with an idea with buildings and blinking windows, where each window is supposed to symbolize a human life and the blinkings are the human sleeping periods, their own rhythm.

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