We started out with a presentation about money and tried to relate money to ageing. But we thought this was quite hard and we didn't get anywhere with it so we changed our object instead. Our last presentation, as some of you know, was about the eye. More precise, about the lens of the eye, and the rubber band as a metaphor for it. We are now focusing on the ageing of the eye and what kind of problems elderly people have with their sight. Some of the problems we have talked about is:
Katarakt (grå starr) which means that your lens is getting "blurry". It can bring that you can't see contrasts as before. Your eyes get more sensitive to bright light. You can't see as clearly in the dark as before. You have a problem seeing colors as they are supposed to look and you can get a problem with seeing "double". To decide the distance between different things can alsto be a problem.
Glaukom (grön starr) which is a damage to the nerve in the eye. It is caused by a change of the preassure in the eye. It can make your eyesight more blurry and you can get difficulties in your field of vision.
Makula (the yellow spot, gula fläcken) is also affected by our age and that we grow old. The yellow spot is the spot where the cells are closest togehter and that's where we see with the best sharpness.
With this information and basic information about how the eye works, we decided to focus on color and brightness. Both color and brightness are affected by ageing and we thought that we maybe could do something fun and interesting with that.
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