Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Exhibition: 12th of December @ 13.00

Dear All, 
the final course exhibition will take place the 12th of December at 13.00. PLEASE NOTE not the 11th as we have assumed. 
You are very welcome to invite your friends and whoever you wish to. We will have some special guests or guest critics with whom we'll discuss each project (more people - more fun). Students from last year will also come.

Thanks to the two Alexanders from group 1 we will have a photo documentation of each work and of the event in general.
Each final project has to be uploaded here so that we all know what we have done so far. For the final exhibition you also have to provide a text (max 1 page) of the description of your work. This will help you to clarify your concepts and to introduce your work to the audience and to the guest critics. But we can discuss more this aspects during the class schedule.

see  you tomorrow, good night.

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