The Dorian Gray Mirror
Mikaela Kurtson Bellman Anna Kvernplassen Cecilia Thorsén Mattias Larsson Joakim Lööv
In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray stays young and fresh while his portrait grows aged and corrupt. The portrait ages in his stead. Our version of the Dorian Gray Mirror will let you see yourself through old eyes.
The final project
The most common eye disease caused by ageing is cataract. Cataract is a increase of opacity in the lense of the eye. As the lense gets less opaque, you loose contrast and your vision gets blurred. The light that enters an eye with cataract will disperse, and as a result you get halo effects around light sources. Yet another consequence is that you easily get blinded by bright light.
A natural part of ageing is that the lense turns yellow, and will thus act as a yellow filter. The brain compensates for this so you will never notice that your vision has become more yellow, but as a result you will loose valuable color information.
Our Dorian Gray Mirror acts as an aged eye with cataract.You will notice the lack of contrast and yellow image, since there is no brain to balance the image, as well as the blurred impression.
In our first assignment we discussed money as a human companion through the ages. We considered both the appearence and the value of money.
Our second presentation was more spot on. We compared the ageing of a simple rubber band to the lense of the eye. We then focused on the aging of the eye, which led us to our final project.
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