Wednesday, December 5, 2007


We borowed a projector, a OH- machine, a magnetmixer and two cups.

With these devices we wanted to experiment how it would look like if we created turbulence in water and the Non-Newtonian fluid. We first tried this with water. We put a cup on the magnetmixer and in the cup we put a magnet that would begin to spin once we turned on the magnetmixer. This spinning magnet created a whirl in the water, which is turbulence. The faster the magnet spinned, the bigger whirl was created. We poured some paint in the whirl to check what would happen and we saw that the paint first was held in the whirl but later on it was spread all over in the water.

We also tried this with the Non-Newtonian fluid. We saw that a whirl wasn´t created. This because of the faster the magnet in the cup spinned, the more resistance it was in the fluid. But if the magnet didn´t spinn fast it wasn´t much resistance in the fluid.

We couldn´t see anything we could develop this into so we are still thinking of something new.